Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Back after the long break

I'm back. I've decided to try some new things in the new year for getting in shape.

1. Food
a. No fast foods
I. Two exceptions to the rule for dire circumstances if I need food quickly, I have chosen what I think are two of the better fast foods. (I have had Taco Bell only once since Jan 1 and that was my only fast food in 2009.)
A. Taco Bell
B. In and Out
b. Try to eat more foods at home and shop more often at Trader Joes, both for the cost and organic nature of the foods
2. Liquids
a. No soda
b. Cut back on beer
3. Swimming
a. I will try to go once a week
4. Driving Range
a. I will try to go twice a month to start
5. Home exercise
a. I will try to do crunches, push ups, stretching
6. Running
a. I will try to run once a week to start and build back up.

I am going to go to the driving range thursday for the first time and try to go swimming friday for the first time this year. I've been weighing myself ever since I stopped eating fast food and drinking soda and I think I've lost about 3 pounds. Once I start exercising I will start being more precise about weigh ins.