Monday, November 24, 2008

Shark Attack

So we went to the Sharks game on Saturday, OMG. The new jerseys are so sick. And the sharks played like they were in a feeding frenzy in them. It was also mystery puck night, so for 20 bucks you could pick a random wrapped puck and be gaurenteed to have a singed puck by a current shark. Jen and I each got one and we got good ones. I got Ryane Clowe, who's been super hot right now and Jen got Dan Boyle.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sharks Black Jersey's

So the Sharks revealed their new black jersey's today and I think I'm liking them. Now I can't decide if I want to get one with a name on the back or without. I'm going to the game tomorrow where the players are going to wear them for the first time and they are giving out free t-shirts. I'm super excited.

I saw Quantum of Solace last night, and I thought it was pretty good. It had some elements that were not Bond movie like, but overall a good film. Anyone going to it expecting a true Bond film should think back to Casino Royale, which was a good reboot and gave the Bond franchise a much needed update. If they tried to release a Brosnan type Bond to compete with a Dark Knight it would surely flop. Movies are going more and more towards "realism" which isn't what it sounds like, but it means that they are grittier and more complex.

Peace out, running tonight, 1.5 mil.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Slacker is Back

I wanted to keep running every m/w/f but it already didn't happen. I had a rough day at the niners game so running monday didn't work out. And tuesday I had to work late, so I couldn't make it up. 

But this may have been a blessing in disguise because of my nike plus account online. I had been running and having it record my pace, distance and time. Then I decided to calibrate the nike plus system and it messed it up, it would record my run, but not specifically for my training so it wasn't counting it right. Now since I missed monday, I'm going to start it over, and get my times to record properly again. I'm excited to run, but I'm hungry and that makes it tough.

I think these blog posts are boring, but I don' t know what to type and I don't know if anyone likes them. I'll keep it going though, since I said I would.

Last week I ran 1.5 miles twice for the first time. I had good times but I'm not sure how I want to proceed.

Should I go for faster mile times and bring down my pace, or should I try to keep a consistent pace and try to work towards more miles.

If anyone has a suggestion, I'm open.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Week One Done

So I made it through week one.
I actually made good progress too. My times for my first three runs were:

Monday: 1.04 mi, 8:50 pace
Wednesday: 1.04 mi, 8:34 pace
Friday: 1.01 mi, 7:57 pace

Now Jen is telling me to take it easy, so I don't burn myself out, but I told her that I just run at the pace that feels comfortable. So on my friday, I was running about a 7:15 pace, but by the end I was up to 8:30 and it all averaged out.

If you want to track my progress more specifically, you can check out my NikePlus page on the right hand side.

I'm off to work, but wish me luck on my run tonight.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Night Run

I ran again yesterday, at night again, because I can't get myself up early enough. I like running at night though because I feel like no one can see me. I want to run outside, but I usually just go to the local gym and run on the treadmill.

I think once I get back into it again, I'll run outside. It's more invigorating when your in the cold night air, lungs burning a bit from the cold. 

I don't know what else to write, but I guess I'll just end it now. 

Anyone want to comment and I'll respond. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So I forgot to post yesterday because I was caught up in this tiny little voting thing going on yesterday. 

IT WAS ONLY the biggest election since JFK beat Nixon in 1960. I really, really hope that Obama can live up to his promises and the hype.

Training camp just ended, Pre-season has just begun and the season starts on Janruary 20th. Lets go have a good pre-season.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Running Day 1

OK... New idea, i'll try to write everyday I run and some days I don't.

Today is day one, R-Day. 

I'm shooting for a mile, so it shouldn't take more than about 10 minutes, but i'll feel like I'm dying afterwards, I'm sure. 

Ok, now wish me luck world.